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Marie-Pierre was invited to exhibit her work at the Aaron Faber Gallery n Manhattan for a show on:
"modernism jewelry in abstracted and non objective form.
Marie-Pierre is a member of the JDPN, Jewelry design Professional's network
Marie-Pierre is a certified artist of the city of New York
Marie-Pierre designed costumes and sets for various dance companies around Manhattan and for the Albany Berkshire Ballet where she collaborated with the Choreographer : Bill T. Jones
Marie-Pierre's collection was sold over 400 retails stores and galleries around the United State, Canada, Europe, Japan and Singapore. Marie-Pierre participated in various trade shows and her collection was featured extensively in the National Jeweler.
"her work is true wearable Art, Marie-Pierre's penchant for architecture and a flair for constructivism is strongly represented by the industrial shapes, kinetic at time but always full of emotions and spontaneity"
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